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Probing the Dynamic Environment-Associated Conformational Conversion from Secondary to Supersecondary Structures in Oligo(phenanthroline dicarboxamide)s Haiyu Hu Chuanfeng Chen, Shenggui He Journal of Organic Chemistry 2009 74 14 4949-4957
Heterocyclic Annelated Di(perylene bisimide): Constructing Bowl-shaped Perylene Bisimides by the Combination of Steric Congestion and Ring Strain Hualei Qian Zhaohui Wang J. Org. Chem. 2009 74 16 6275-6282
A New Tetrathiafulvalene?Quinone?Tetrathiafulvalene Triad: Modulation of the Intramolecular Charge Transfer by the Electron-Transfer Process Promoted by Metal Ions Yan Zeng Deqing Zhang J. Org. Chem. 2009 74 11 4375
Enantioselective Synthesis of aza-b-lactams via NHC-catalyzed [2+2] cycloaddition of ketenes with diazenedicarboyxlates Huang, X.-L. Ye, S. J. Org. Chem. 2009 74 19 7585
Dicyanovinyl Heterotetracenes: Synthesis, Solid-State Structure, and Photophysical Properties 杜春燕 刘云圻 J. Org. Chem 2009 74 19 7322-7327
Study of inhibition effect of Herceptin on interaction between Heregulin and ErbB Receptors HER3/HER2 by single-molecule force spectroscopy SHIXIAO LI Xiaohong Fang Exp Cell Res 2009 0 315 2847-2855
Synthesis of a Fluorescent Polymer Bearing Covalently Linked Thienylene Moieties and Rhodamine for Efficient Sensing Mei Zhu Yuliang Li Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2009 30 15 1339-1344
Construction of Large-Scale Highly Ordered Macroporous Monoliths of П-Conjugated Polymers Zicheng Zuo Yuliang Li Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2009 30 22 1940-1944
Amphiphilic Patchy Composite Colloids 丁书江 杨振忠 Macromolecular Rapid Comm. 2009 30 6 475-480
Color-oscillating Photonic crystal hydrogel 田恩涛 宋延林,王京霞 Macromol Rapid Commun 2009 30 20 1719
Tough phtonic crystals fabricated by photocrosslinked 田恩涛 宋延林,王京霞 Macromol Rapid Commun 2009 30 7 509
Ultra-fast fabrication of colloidal photonic crystals by spray coatings 崔丽影 Yanlin Song Macromol Rapid Commun 2009 30 8 598
Fluorescence-amplifying assay for irradiated DNA lesions using water-soluble conjugated polymers 冯福德 王树 macromolecular rapid communications 2009 30 3 147-151
Alkythio-substituted polythiophene absorption and photovoltaic properties 霍利军 李永舫 Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2009 30 11 925–931
Linking Polythiophene Chains with Vinylene-Bridges: A Way to Improve Charge Transport in Polymer Organic Field-Effect Transistors 吕琨 刘云圻 J. Polym. Sci. Poly. Chem. 2009 47 5 1381-1392
Soluble dithienothiophene polymers: effect of link pattern Shiming Zhang Xiaowei Zhan J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 2009 47 11 2843-2852
Low bandgap π-conjugated copolymers based on fused thiophenes and benzothiadiazole: synthesis and structure-property relationship study Shiming Zhang Xiaowei J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym Chem. 2009 47 20 5498-5508
Poly(thienylene-vinylene-thienylene) with Cyano Substituent: Synthesis and Application in Field-Effect Transistor and Polymer Solar Cell 万梅秀 李永舫 J. Polym. Sci. A: Polym. Chem. 2009 47 16 4028–4036
High performance polymer field-effect transistors based on polythiophene derivative with conjugated side chain 何有军 李永舫 J. Polym. Sci. A: Polym. Chem. 2009 47 20 5304-5312
Preparation of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-Grafted Polymer Monolith for Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography of Proteins Rongyue Zhang 齐莉 Journal of Chromatography A 2009 1 1216 2404-2411
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