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Water Controlled Synthesis of Low Dimensional Molecular Crystals and the Invention of a New Water and Moisture Indicator Zhuoyu Ji Wenping Hu Nano Res. 2009 2 11 857
Minimizing Purification-Induced Defects in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Gives Films with Improved Conductivity 王钰 刘云圻 Nano Research 2009 2 11 865-871
Hydrogenation of CO2 to formic acid promoted by a diamine-functional ionic liquid 张兆富 韩布兴 ChemSusChem 2009 2 3 234-238
Signatures of onequilibrium Solvation Dynamics on Multidimensional Spectra Porschal L. Mcrobbie Eitan Geva Accounts of Chemical Research 2009 42 9 1299
Infrared Spectra of Ammonia-Water Ices 郑卫军 David Jewitt Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 2009 0 181 53-61
Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Quinoxalines with Diphosphinite Ligands: A Practical Synthesis of Enantioenriched, Substituted Tetrahydroquinoxalines Weijun Tang Lijin Xu, Qing-Hua Fan and Albert S. C. Chan Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009 48 48 9135-9138
An Efficient Photocatalyst Structure: TiO2(B) Nanofibers with a Shell of Anatase Nanocrystals Dongjiang Yang Huaiyong Zhu Journal of the American Chemical Society 2009 131 49 17885-17893
Enhancement of Energy Utilization in Light-harvesting Dendrimers by the Pseudorotaxane Formation at Periphery Yi Zeng Guoqiang Yang, Yi Li J. Am. Chem. Soc 2009 131 131 9100-9106
C=C bond cleavage on Neutral VO3(V2O5)n Clusters Feng Dong Elliot R. Bernstein, Shenggui He Journal of American Chemical Society 2009 131 3 1057-1066
Theoretical Predictions of Size-dependent carrier mobility and polarity in graphene Mengqiu Long 帅志刚 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009 131 1 17728
A New Carbazole-Constructed Hyperbranched Polymer: Convenient One-Pot Synthesis, Hole-Transporting Ability, and Field-Effect Transistor Properties 李忠安 刘云圻,秦金贵,李振 Adv. Funct. Mater. 2009 19 16 2677-2683
Metastable Copper-Phthalocyanine Single-Crystal Nanowires and Their Use in Fabricating High-Performance Field-Effect Transistors Kai Xiao Kai Xiao,Wenping Hu,David B. Geohegan Adv. Funct. Mater. 2009 19 23 3776
Photovoltaics Based on Hybridization of Effective Dye-Sensitized Titanium Oxide and Hole-Conductive Polymer P3HT 蒋克健 宋延林,Shozo Yanagida Adv Funct Mater 2009 19 15 2481
Greatly Improved Blood Compatibility by Microscopic Multiscale Design of Surface Architectures Honglei Fan Dong Han Lei Jiang Small 2009 5 19 2144
Wetting Behavior at Micro-/Nanoscales: Direct Imaging of a Microscopic Water/Air/Solid Three-Phase Interface Peipei Chen Dong Han, Lei Jiang Small 2009 5 8 908
Calmodulin Binds to Extracellular Sites on the Plasma Membrane of Plant Cells and Elicits a Rise in Intracellular Calcium Concentration Qinli Wang Jinxing Lin J. Biol. Chem. 2009 0 284 12000-12007
A self-assebled foldamer capsule: combining single and double helical segments in one aromatic amide sequence Chunyan bao Hua Jiang, Ivan Huc chemistry A Eur J 2009 15 43 11530-11536
Single-Molecule Behavior of Dendritic Poly(ethylene glycol) Structures towards Lithium Ions Qun Luo Fuyi Wang, Daihua Tang Chemistry-a European Journal 2009 15 40 10352-10355
Mechanism of supported gold nanoparticles as photocatalysts under ultraviolet and visible light irradiation Huaiyong Zhu Huaiyong Zhu Chemical Communications 2009 0 48 7524-7526
Sensitive, selective and label-free protein detection using a smart polymeric transducer and aptamer/ligand system 蒲芳 王树 Chemical Communications 2009 0 0 7357-7359
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