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Modulation of tris(o-phenylenedioxy)cyclotrisphospha zene (TPP) properties for zeolite use: the effect of -conjugation length and CH/N hetero-substitution Gahungu G. Zhang Jingping The Journal of Physical Chemistry 2009 113 1 246-254
Effect of refluxed silver nanoparticles on inhibition and enhancement of enzymatic activity of glucose oxidase Shiyu Ma Jin Mu Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2009 345 1 101-105
On-line preconcentration and analysis of metribuzin residues in corn fields by use of a molecularly imprinted polyer Shaojun Zhang 杨更亮 Chromatographia 2009 1 69 615-619
强酸性环境中氧氟沙星的荧光光谱与质子化作用研究 李慧珍 徐怡庄 光谱学与光谱分析 2009 29 5 1308-1312
Size-dependent hydroxyl radicals generation induced by SiO2 ultra-fine particles: The role of surface iron Shang Yu Zhu Tong Science in China Series B: Chemistry 2009 52 7 1033-1041
A pH-triggered fast-responding DNA hydrogel Enjun Cheng Dongsheng Liu Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009 48 41 7660-7663
AuDynamical behavior in C82 metal endohedral fullerenes: 2D correlation analysis of x-ray and infrared data Augusto Marcelli Ziyu Wu J. Nanophoton 2009 0 0 0
AgBr-Ag-Bi2WO6 Nanojunction System: A Novel and Efficient Photocatalyst with Double Visible-light Active Components Lisha Zhang Po-Keung Wong Applied Catalysis A: General 2009 363 1 221-229
In vivo nanomechanical imaging of blood-vessel tissues directly in living mammals using atomic force microscopy Youdong Mao Lei Jiang APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2009 95 1 013704
Improving thermal stability of biodegradable aliphatic polycarbonate by metal ion coordination 于涛 王佛松,王笃金 Polymer Degradation and Stability 2009 94 2 253-258
XPS光电子峰和俄歇电子峰峰位表 刘芬 刘芬 anlysis and testing technology and instruments 2009 15 1 1-17
负偏压作用下TiO2膜电极光催化降解染料MG的机理研究 杨娟 杨娟 科学通报 2009 54 15 2196-2204
聚苯乙烯接枝淀粉纳米晶的制备 宋师伟 王才 化学通报 2009 72 2 176-179
分子水平上有机-无机杂化的聚有机硅倍半氧烷材料进展 戴珍 徐坚 中国材料进展 2009 28 2 1-7
Preparation and properties of starch nanocrystals/rubber composite Zhang Wenying Pan Zelin 合成橡胶工业 2009 32 4 330
纳米淀粉的制备及其改性研究 宋师伟 王才 高分子材料科学与工程 2009 25 8 145-147
压力敏感涂料及其测量技术 陈柳生 陈柳生 航空学报 2009 30 12 2435-2448
基于DNA G-四链体识别的抗肿瘤分子筛选及结构设计研究进展 张秀凤 唐亚林 科学通报 2009 54 10 1374-1386
光子晶体的制备和应用 李会玲 宋延林 自然杂志 2009 31 3 153
IVB金属配合物催化烯烃聚合的研究进展 左伟伟 孙文华 高分子通报 2009 2009 4 1
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