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Celluloses in an Ionic Liquid: the Rheological Properties of the Solutions Spanning the Kuang QL Wang ZG J. Phys. Chem. B 2008 112 0 10234
Effect of Surfactant Structure on the Stability of Carbon Nanotubes in Aqueous Solution Qi Wang Yilin Wang;ZhiXin Guo J. Phys. Chem. B. 2008 112 24 7227–7233
Micellization-Induced Conformational Change of a Chiral Proline Surfactant Manli Deng Yilin Wang J. Phys. Chem. B. 2008 112 34 10509–10513
Decompaction of Cationic Gemini Surfactant-Induced DNA Condensates by β-Cyclodextrin or Anionic Surfactant Meiwen Cao Yilin Wang J. Phys. Chem. B. 2008 112 43 13648–13654
Influence of pH on the Aggregation Morphology of a Novel Surfactant with Single Hydrocarbon Chain and Multi-Amine Headgroups Wei Wang Long Jiang J. Phys. Chem. B 2008 112 5 1409-1413
Interfacial Assemblies of Cyanine Dyes and Gemini Amphiphiles with Rigid Spacers: Regulation and Interconversion of the Aggregates Guocheng Zhang Minghua Liu J. Phys. Chem. B 2008 112 25 7430–7437
Molecular Orientation and Interface Compatibility for High Performance Organic Thin Film Transistor Based on Vanadyl Phthalocyanine Liqiang Li Hongxiang Li* and Wenping Hu* J. Phys. Chem. B 2008 112 34 10405-10410
Excited-State Absorption and Sign Tuning of Nonlinear Refraction in Porphyrin Derivatives 蒋礼 李玉良 J. Phys. Chem. B 2008 112 3 756-759
Nascent Crystallization of a Growing Chain on a Catalyst Surface: A Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study Wei Mao Xiaozhen Yang J.Phys.Chem B 2008 112 1 6753-6761
Analysis of Multiple H-Bond Interactions in Self-Assembly between Polyurethane with pendent carboxyl and poly(4-vinylpyridine) Zhiyong Ren Zhiyong Ren,Xiaozhen Yang J.Phys.Chem.B 2008 112 1 1926-1934
Single-Molecule Study of Lateral Mobility of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2/HER2 Zeyu Xiao 方晓红 J. Phys. Chem. B 2008 112 0 4140-4145
Polythiophene derivative with the simplest conjugated-side-chain of alkenyl: synthesis and application in polymer solar cells and field-effect transistors 黄煜 李永舫 J Phys. Chem. B 2008 112 43 13476-13482
Micellization of Surfactin and Its Effect on the Aggregate Conformation of Amyloid β(1-40) Yuchun Han Yilin Wang J. Phys. Chem. B. 2008 112 47 15195-15201.
Super-dispersible PVP-coated Fe3O4 Nanocrystals Prepared by a “One-pot” Reaction Xianyong Lu Mingyuan Gao J. Phys. Chem. B 2008 112 46 14390-14394
Celluloses in an ionic liquid: the rheological properties of the solutions spanning the dilute and semidilute regimes 匡青林 王志刚 Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2008 112 33 10234-10240
Chiral Transformation of Cyanine Dye Aggregates Induced by Small Peptides 杨千帆 唐亚林 J. Phys. Chem. B 2008 112 29 8783-8787
Conformational dependence of anharmonic vibrations in peptides: amide-I mode in model dipeptide Jianping Wang Jianping Wang J. Phys. Chem. B 2008 112 15 4790-4800
A series of novel Ln-succinate-oxalate coordination polymers: synthesis, structure, thermal stability, and fluorescent properties Zhang Xing-Jing Xing Yong-Heng CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN 2008 8 10 3680
Investigations on Iron Sulfide Nanosheets Prepared via a Single-Source Precursor Approach Wei Han Mingyuan Gao Crystal Growth & Design 2008 8 3 1023-1030
Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Aligned by the Ligand-Ligand Hydrogen Bonds Using Pyridyl-Substituted Oxalamides as the Building Blocks Zeng,Q. Qingdao Zeng,Chen Wang Crystal Growth & Design 2008 9 0 869
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