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论文题目 第一作者 联系作者 刊物名称
Design and synthesis of a new conjugated polyelectrolyte as a reversible pH sensor 徐庆岭 王树 Macromol. Rapid Commun 2008 29 5 390-395
A conjugated polymers-based electrochemical DNA sensor: design and application of a multi-functional and water-soluble conjugated polymer 张蓝勇 王树 Macromol. Rapid Commun 2008 29 17 1489-1494
Spontaneous Three-Layer Formation in the Curing of Polyimide/Epoxy Blends Fenghua Chen 韩志超 Macromolecular rapid commun 2008 29 2 74-79
Rose-Like Microstructures of Polyaniline by Using a Simplified Template-Free Method under a High Relative Humidity Zhu Y Wan M X*, Jiang L Macromol Rapid Commun 2008 29 23 1705-1710
Superhydrophobic 3D microstructures assembled from 1D nanofibers of polyaniline Zhu Y Wan M X*, Jiang L* Macromol Rapid Commun 2008 29 3 239-243
Low-cost, thermoresponsive wettability of surfaces: Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)/polystyrene composite films prepared by electrospinning Wang N Zhao Y*, Jiang L Macromol Rapid Commun 2008 29 6 485-489
Conducting polypyrrole conical nanocontainers: Formation mechanism and voltage switchable property Huang J Y Wei Z X Macromol Rapid Commun 2008 29 15 1335-1340
Reversible and Highly Selective Fluorescent Sensor for Mercury(II) Based on a Water-soluble Poly(para-phenylene)s Containing Thymine and Sulfonate Moieties 吕静 李玉良 Macro. Rapid Comm. 2008 29 19 1588-1592
Highly Selective Fluorescence Detection for Mercury (II) Ions in Aqueous Solution Using Water Soluble Conjugated Polyelectrolytes 吕海燕 徐伟,王树,朱道本 Macromolecualr Rapid Communications 2008 29 17 1467-1471
Synthesis and Absorption Spectra of Two Novel n-type Conjugated Polymers Based on Perylene Diimide 霍立军 李永舫 Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2008 29 17 1444-1448
Increased interfacial thickness of the NaF, NaCl and NaBr salt aqueous solutions probed with non-resonant surface second harmonic generation (SHG) Hong-tao Bian Hong-fei Wang Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 2008 10 0 4920–4931
Efficient Modification of Cu Electrode with Nanometer-Sized Copper Tetracyanoquinodimethane for High Performance Organic Field-Effect Transistors 狄重安 于贵,刘云圻 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2008 10 17 2302-2307
Structural transition of molecular assembly under photo-irradiation: an STM study Dong Wang Li-Jun Wan Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2008 10 43 1463-9076
photoluminescence quenching of conjugated polymer nanocomposites for gamma ray detection 钟海政 裴启兵 Nanotechnology 2008 19 50 505503
Multicolor emission from large-area porous thin films constructed of nanowires of small organic molecules Zhe-ChenWang Sheng-Gui He Nanotechnology 2008 19 50 505703
Effect of well confinement on photoluminescence features from silicon nanoparticles embedded in an SiC/SiNx multilayered structure, Rao Huang Rao Huang Nanotechnology 2008 19 19 255402
Fabrication and characterization of superhydrophobic Sb2O3 films Liu K S Jiang lei Nanotechnology 2008 19 16 165604
Preparations of bifunctional polymeric beads simultaneously incorporated with fluorescent Quantum dots and magnetic nanocrystals Chifeng Tu Mingyuan Gao Nanotechnology 2008 19 10 105601
Synthesis of hollow silver nanostructures by a simple strategy Yihai Wang Minghua Liu Nanotechnology 2008 19 4 045607
the Replacement Reaction Controlling Fractals Assembly of Copper Nanoparticles Zhuoyu Ji Wenping Hu Nanotechnology 2008 19 13 135602
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