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influence of polymer chain orientation on interfacial tension measurement with DDRM by dissipative particle dynamics Wei Mao Xiaozhen yang Chemical Journal of Chinese universities 2008 29 5 1056-1060
改性纳米炭黑/聚氨酯复合物的制备及表征 刘新海 赵 莹 高等学校化学学报 2008 29 10 1-4
Analysis of configurations of stable spin adducts of the O2- linear nitrones 纪艺琼 刘扬 高等学校化学学报 2008 29 9 1801-1803
四氮杂杯[2]芳烃[2]三嗪衍生物在Au(111)表面的自组装结构的电化学STM研究 陈婷 万立骏 高等学校化学学报 2008 29 1 113-116
glycoprotein analysis by surface plasmon resonance absorption and imaging 刘巍 陈义 高等化学学报 2008 29 9 1744-1746
Synthesis and Thermal Properties of Polythioetherimides Derived from 4,4’[p-Thiobis(phenylensulfanyl)]Diphthalic Anhydride and Various Aromatic Diamines Jingang Liu Mitsuru Ueda High Perform. Polym. 2008 20 4 221-237
Dissipative particle dynamics simulation study of the bilayer-vesicle transition Wu Shaogui Guo Hongxia Science in china series B chemistry 2008 51 8 743-750
Dissipative particle dynamics simulation study of the bilayer-vesicle transition 伍绍贵 郭洪霞 Science in china series B chemistry 2008 38 4 308-315
Transitions between Wannier-Stark States of Semiconductor Superlattices under Electrostatic Field Wei Han Dadong Yan International Journal of Modern Physics B 2008 22 8 1005
Air-stable ambipolar field-effect transistors based on copper phthalocyanine and tetracyanoquinodimethane Liqiang Li Wenping Hu Res. Chem. Intermed. 2008 34 2 147-153
Photocatalytic degradation of dimethyl phthalate ester using novel hydrophobic TiO2 pillared montmorillonite photocatalyst DingXuejun An Taicheng Research on Chemical Intermediates 2008 34 1 67-83
Change of extracellular ascorbic acid in the brain cortex following ice water vestibular stimulation: an on-line electrochemical detection coupled with in vivo microdialysis sampling for guinea pigs Na Zhang Ma Furong Chinese medical jounal 2008 121 12 1120
Interactions between meso-tetrakis(4-(N-methylpyridiumyl)) porphyrin TMPyP4 and DNA G-quadruplex of telomeric repeated sequence TTAGGG 王雪飞 艾希成,张建平 Sci China Ser B-Chem 2008 51 5 452
Study on the Atmospheric Photochemical Reaction of CF3 radical Using Ultraviolet Photoelectron and Photoionization Mass Spectrometer 姚立 葛茂发 Sci China Ser B-Chem 2008 51 4 316
基于三维椭球模型的构象弹性理论 毛伟 杨小震 中国科学B 2008 38 4 324-330
Molecular dynamics simulations of the hydration of Poly(vinyl methyl ether): Hydrogen bonds and quasi-hydrogen bonds Wu Rongliang Yang xiaozhen Science in china series B 2008 51 8 736-742
分子动力学方法研究聚甲基乙烯基醚 吴荣亮 杨小震 中国科学B 2008 38 4 294-300
Core level binding energy shifts caused by size effect of nanoparticles 赵志娟 刘芬 物理化学学报 2008 24 9 1685-1688
Wet Purification of Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays and Its Impact on the Morphology of the Carbon Nanotube Arrays 曹灵超 刘云圻 ACTA PHYS-CHIM SIN 2008 24 6 951-954
Multiphoton absorption in expanded porphyrins 何远航 帅志刚 Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica 2008 24 4 565
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