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Star-shaped molecules with triphenylamine core and dicyanovinyl end-groups for organic solar cells 邓丹,张婧 李永舫 何畅 Chem. Mater. 2011 23 3 817-822
Synthesis and photovoltaic properties of D-A copolymers based on alkyl-substituted indacenodithiophene donor unit 张茂杰 李永舫 Chem. Mater. 2011 23 18 4264-4270
Integrated SPPS on continuous-flow radial microfluidic chip 王蔚芝,黄嫣嫣,刘吉众,谢云峰,赵睿,熊少祥,刘国诠,陈义,马会民 赵睿 Lab on a chip 2011 11 5 929-935
Long-distance intercellular connectivity between cardiomyocytes and cardiofibroblasts mediated by membrane nanotubes 何康敏,师晓丽,张雪洁,党颂 方晓红、张幼怡 Cardiovasc Res 2011 92 0 39-47
Lateral Flow Immunochromatographic Assay for Sensitive Pesticide Detection by Using Fe3O4 Nanoparticle Aggregates as Color Reagents 刘春艳,贾巧娟 高明远 Analytical Chemistry 2011 83 17 6778-6784
Rational Design and One-Step Formation of Multifunctional Gel Transducer for Simple Fabrication of Integrated Electrochemical Biosensors 于萍 毛兰群 Analytical Chemistry 2011 83 14 5715-5720
Characterization of column packing materials in high-performance liquid chromatography by charge-detection quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry 熊彩侨 聂宗秀 Analytical Chemistry 2011 83 13 5400-5406
Highly enantioselective Michael addition of 2-oxindoles to vinyl selenone in RTILs catalyzed by a Cinchona alkaloid-based thiourea 张涛,程靓 刘利 Chem Commun 2011 47 0 6644-6646
A novel bulk heterojunction solar cell based on a donor–acceptor conjugated triphenylamine dye 刘其生、蒋克健 宋延林 Chem. Commun 2011 47 2 740-742
A pH-driven DNA nanoswitch for responsive controlled release Linfeng Chen, Jiancheng Di 宋延林 Chem. Commun 2011 47 0 2850-2852
P3HT as hole transport material and assistant light absorber in CdS quantum dots-sensitized solid-state solar cells 钱进、刘其生 宋延林 Chem. Commun 2011 47 0 6461-6463
Mixed DNA-functionalized nanoparticle probes for surface-enhanced Raman scattering-based multiplex DNA detection 张志良,温永强,马颖,罗佳,温永强,江雷,宋延林 宋延林 Chem. Commun 2011 47 0 7407-7409
Anisotropic oxygen plasma etching of colloidal particles in electrospun fibers 丁涛,宋恺 宋恺 Chem. Commun. 2011 47 0 2429-2431
Access to highly active and thermally stable iron procatalysts using bulky 2-[1-(2,6-dibenzhydryl-4-methylphenylimino)ethyl]-6-[1-(arylimino)ethyl]pyridine ligands 余建刚 孙文华 Chem. Commun. 2011 47 11 3257-3259
Highly efficient synthesis of cyclic carbonates from CO2 and epoxides over cellulose/KI 梁曙光,刘会贞,姜涛 姜涛、韩布兴 Chem. Commun 2011 47 0 2131-2133
Organotin-oxomolybdate coordination polymer as catalyst for synthesis of unsymmetrical organic carbonates 宋金良,张斌斌,吴天斌 韩布兴 Chem. Commun 2011 0 13 922-927
Efficient Separation of surfactant and organic solvent by CO2 张建玲,李建申,赵悦菊 张建玲、韩布兴 Chem. Commun 2011 0 47 5816-5818
CO2 capture by hydrocarbon surfactant liquids 张建玲,韩布兴,赵悦菊 张建玲、韩布兴 Chem. Commun 2011 0 47 1033-1035
Aqueous Synthesis of CdTe Nanocrystals: Progresses and Perspectives 李一林,荆莉红 高明远 Chem. Commun 2011 47 33 9293-9311
Sulfonyl: a new application of electron-withdrawing substituent in highly efficient photovoltaic polymer 黄晔,霍利军 Charles c. Han Chem. Commun 2011 47 31 8904-8906
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