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Engineering of the Dielectric-Semiconductor Interface in Organic Field-Effect Transistors 孙向南 Yunqi Liu J.Mater.Chem. 2010 20 13 2599-2611
Enhanced catalytic activity of perovskite oxides nanofibers for combustion of methane in coal mine ventilation air Chao-Qiu Chen,Wei-Guo Song wsong@iccas.ac.cn J.Mater.Chem 2010 20 6968-6974
Fabrication and Characterization of Molecular Scale Field-Effect Transistors 曹灵超 Yunqi Liu J.Mater.Chem. 2010 20 12 2305-2309
Fluorescent bio/chemosensors based on silole and tetraphenylethene luminogens with aggregation-induced emission feature 汪铭,张关心 张德清 唐本忠 J.Mater.Chem. 2010 20 10 1858-1867
High performance ultraviolet photodetectors based on an individual Zn2SnO4 single crystalline nanowire 张艳君,王建军,朱红飞,李慧,蒋礼,舒春英,胡文平 王春儒,舒春英 Journal of Materials Chemistry 2010 20 44 9858-9860
Lipid-modified conjugated polymer nanoparticles for cell imaging and transfection 冯旭利,唐艳丽,段新瑞,刘礼兵,王树 王树、刘礼兵 J.Mater.Chem. 2010 20 7 1312-1316
Metal-free preparation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes based on new-diamond-induced growth mechanism 王宝,舒春英,王春儒 王春儒 Journal of Materials Chemistry 2010 20 34 7104-7106
Mobility Dependence on Conducting Channel Dimension of Organic Field-effect Transistors Based on Single Crystalline Nanoribbons 张亚杰,董焕丽,汤庆鑫 Wenping Hu, Huanli Dong J.Mater.Chem. 2010 20 7029-7033
Mono dispersed SnO2 nanoparticles on both sides of single layer graphene sheets as anode materials in Li-ion batteries Wei-Guo Song,Le-Sheng Zhang 宋卫国 J.Mater.Chem 2010 20 5462-5467
Multichannel TiO2 hollow fibers with enhanced photocatalytic activity 赵天艺,江雷 赵勇;Fujishima, Akira JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY 2010 20 24 5095-5099
Non-sacrificial template synthesis of Cr2O3-C hierarchical core/shell nanospheres and their application as anode materials in lithium-ion batteries 姜玲燕,辛森,吴兴隆,李泓,郭玉国,万立骏 郭玉国 J.Mater.Chem. 2010 20 35 7565-7569
1,2-Bis (3,5-dimethyl dithioene [3,2-b:2′,3′-d]thiophene -2-yl) perfluorocyclopentene: synthesis and photochromic reaction in solution and LB films 林辉 徐伟,朱道本 Journal of Material Chemistry 2010 20 884-890
Organic single crystal field-effect transistors: advances and perspectives 江浪,董焕丽 Wenping Hu J.Mater.Chem. 2010 20 4994-5007
Phenyl-substituted fluorine-dimer cored anthracene derivatives: highly fluorescent and stable materials for high performance organic blue- and white-light-emitting diodes 叶尚辉 Yunqi Liu J.Mater.Chem. 2010 20 16 3186-3194
Potential-Controllable Green Synthesis and Deposition of Metal Nanoparticles with Electrochemical Method 于萍 毛兰群 J.Mater.Chem. 2010 20 5820-5822
Precise control of wettability from LCST tunable surface. 赵天艺 聂富强;江雷 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY 2010 20 11 2176-2181
Preparation, Stability and Rheology of Polyacrylamide/Pristine Layered Double Hydroxide Nanocomposites”, Journal of Materials Chemistry 付平俊,许孔力 陈光明 J.Mater.Chem. 2010 20 19 3869-3876
Regenerative superhydrophobic coating from microcapsules 王倩,刘继广,杨振忠 刘继广,杨振忠 J.Mater.Chem. 2010 20 3211-3215
Rubrene micro-crystals from solution routes: their crystallography, morphology and optical properties 黄丽玮,付红兵,姚建年 付红兵,姚建年 J.Mater.Chem. 2010 20 1 159-166
Single Crystal Ribbons and Transistors of a Solution Processed Sickle-like Fused-Ring Thienoacene 李荣金 占肖卫、胡文平 J.Mater.Chem. 2010 20 29 6014-6018
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