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Solid-Solid Phase Transition of n-Alkanes in Multiple Nanoscale Confinement 姜凯 苏允兰 J.Phys.Chem.B 2010 114 1388-1392
Strong Two-Photon Excited Fluorescence in Pyrene Core Dendrimers with Fluorene/Carbazole as Dendrons, and Acetylene as Linkages 宛岩,阎林胤 夏安东 J.Phys.Chem.B 2010 114 11737-11745
Structure, Interfacial Properties, and Dynamics of the Sodium Alkyl Sulfate Type Surfactant Monolayer at the Water/Trichloroethylene Interface: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study 匙文雄,郭洪霞 郭洪霞 The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2010 114 9 6365-6376
Studies on Interaction of Poly(sodium acrylate) and Poly(sodium styrenesulfonate) with Cationic Surfactants: Effects of Polyelectrolyte Molar Mass, Chain Flexibility, and Surfactant Architecture 王浩,王毅琳 Yilin Wang J.Phys.Chem.B 2010 114 32 10409-10416
A Theoretical Study on the Mechanism of C2H4 Oxidation over a Neutral V3O8 Cluster 马艳平,丁迅雷,赵艳霞,何圣贵 何圣贵 ChemPhysChem 2010 11 8 1718-1725
Construction and Photophysical Properties of Organic-Inorganic Nanonetworks Base on the Oligo(phenylene vinylene) and Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles 杨纪恩 李玉良 ChemPhysChem 2010 11 659-664
Interfacial Molecular Assemblies of Metalloporphyrins with Two Trans or One Axial Ligands 姚平平,邱云峰,陈鹏磊 Minghua Liu,Penglei Chen ChemPhysChem 2010 11 3 722-729
Characteristics of stability boundary and frequency in nonlinear ion trap mass spectrometer 周晓煜,朱志强 聂宗秀 陈义 Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry? 2010 21 9 1588-1595
A Novel Strategy for MALDI-TOF MS 张舒,刘建安,陈义 陈义 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY 2010 21 1 154-160
Influence of chemical structure on enzymatic degradation of single crystals of PCL-b-PEO amphiphilic block copolymer 蒋妮,甘志华 甘志华 Polymer 2010 51 2426-2434
Novel chemically cross-linked solid state electrolyte for dye-sensitized solar cells 殷雄 林原 Electrochimica Acta 2010 55 20 5803-5807
Photovoltaic performance improvement of dye-sensitized solar cells based on 刘佳 林原 Electrochimica Acta 2010 56 396-400
2-Ethyl-ketimino-1,10-Phenanthroline Iron (II) Complexes as Highly Active Catalysts for Ethylene Oligomerization 张民,张文娟 孙文华 J.Mol.Catal.A: Chem 2010 320 1 92-96
Thermosensitive Nanoparticles Self-Assembled from PCL-b-PEO-b-PNIPAAm Triblock Copolymers and their Potential for Controlled Drug Release 孙培健,张玉,甘志华 甘志华 Macromolecular Bioscience 2010 10 621-631
A chiral ligand exchange CE essay with zinc(II)-L-valine complex for determination enzyme kinetic constant of L-amino acid oxidase Li Qi 齐莉 Talanta 2010 81 1554-1559
High-performance affinity monolith chromatography for enantiomer separation and determination of enzyme kinetic constant Chunhe Yao 齐莉 Talanta 2010 82 1331-1336
A direct continuous fluorometric turn-on assay for monoamine oxidase B and its inhibitor-screening based on the abnormal fluorescent behavior of silole 彭莉华,张关心,张德清 张关心 张德清 ANALYST 2010 135 1779-1784
A highly specific ferrocene-based fluorescent probe for hypochlorous acid and its application to cell imaging 陈素明,陆金鑫,孙成栋,马会民 马会民 Analyst 2010 135 3 577-582
Inhibitor screening of protein kinases using MALDI-TOF MS combined with separation and enrichment of phosphopeptides by TiO2 nanoparticle deposited capillary column 吕爽,罗群,李鲜婵,刘健安,熊少祥 汪福意 Analyst 2010 135 2858-2863
Dibenzo[b,d]thiophene Based Oligomers with Carbon-Carbon Unsaturated Bonds for High Performance Field-Effect Transistors 王成亮,魏钟鸣,孟青 Wenping Hu, Hongxiang Li Org.Electron. 2010 11 544-551
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