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2009-10-10 | 编辑: | 【 】【打印】【关闭

报告题目: Growth and dynamics of nanostructures revealed  by high-

       resolution video-rate SPM

报 告 人: Prof. Flemming Besenbacher




Prof. Flemming Besenbacher


Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Aarhus, and Director of the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center, iNANO, University of Aarhus

Academic Experience:    

1978 Graduated from the Dept. of Physics, University of Aarhus

1978-1979 Junior Research Fellow, Dept. of Physics, University of Aarhus

1980-1981 Senior Research Fellow, Dept. of Physics, University of Aarhus

1982 & 1983 Visiting scientist, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque

1982-1986 Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics, University of Aarhus

1986-1989 Associate Research Prof. by the Danish Council for Research Policy

1989-1995 Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics, University of Aarhus

1994 D.Sc. University of Aarhus

1993-2003 Vice-director of Center for Atomic-scale Materials Physics (CAMP)

1996 Full Professor, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Aarhus

1997 Summer Guest Professor, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, USA

2002-  Director of Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO)

2002-  Director of the iNANO graduate school, iNANOSchool   

2005-  Director of the NANOFOOD consortium                                          

Research Awards:

1986 Awarded Research Associate Professor by the Danish Council for Research       Policy

1995 The Danish Physical Society’s Research Prize, the NKT prize, for research    achievements in surface science using scanning tunnelling microscopy

1993 Co-recipient of a research award for a center of excellence: Center for Atomics-scale Materials Physics (CAMP) by the Danish National Research Foundation (1993-2003)

1998 The award for CAMP extended for five more years (1998-2002)

1996 Elected Fellow of The Danish Academy of Natural Sciences (DNA)

1997 Elected Fellow of The Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV)

1997 Elected Fellow of “Det Lærde Selskab” (the Society of Science and Letters),     University of Aarhus

1998 Elected Fellow of The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters

2000 Elected member of the Scientific Advisory Board der Max-Planch-Institut für     Festkörper-forschung, Stuttgart

2000 Schuit distinguished Lecturer, University of Eindhoven

2001 Co-recipient of a research award for a center of excellence: “Nanoscience and Tissue

Engineering approaches to improved biocompatibility”

2001 Fellow of the Institute of Physics

2002 Co-recipient of a research award for a center of excellence: “Towards a new 

hydrogen economy”

2002 Fellow of the Institute of Nanotechnology

2003 Villum Kann Rasmussen’s award for outstanding research achievements in science

and great efforts within the new area of nanotechnology (VELUX Foundation)

2003 University of Aarhus Anniversary Foundation Award for outstanding academic

research within the area of surface and nano-science

2003   Richard A. Glenn Award for best paper at the Fuels Chemistry Division Spring Symposia, American Chemical Society

2004   Appointed EU project ambassador for the Aarhus Municipality EU Office in

Brussels, Belgium

2004 Danmarks Naturvidenskabelige Akademis Industripris 2004 (Industrial prize of the

Danish Academy of Natural Sciences 2004)

2004-  Honorary Professor, Aalborg University

2006 Grundfos award for outstanding nanoscience research

2007 Professor Honoris Causa from Henan University, China

2007 Professor Honoris Causa from Tianjin University, China.

2007 Knighted by the Danish Queen  

2008 Professor Honoris Causa  from Huazhong Normal University, China

2008 Honorary Professorship from Jilin University, China

2008 Professor Honoris Causa  from Zhejiang University of Technology

2008 Bird-Steward-Lightwood Lectureship award at the Dept. of Chemical and Biological

Engineering at University of Wisconsin-Madison

2008 Recipient of one of the prestigious ERC advanced research grants from the European

Research Council


Member of: The Danish Physical Society

     The European Physical Society

      The American Physical Society

      The American Chemical Society

      The American Materials Research Society

      The Institute of Nanotechnology

      The Institute of Physics



Editorial board of:    

    Chemical Physics Letters (1996-2000)

    Surface Review and Letters (1998-) 

    Probe Microscopy (1999-)

    Progress in Surface Science (1999-2008)

    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2001-)

    Journal of Nanoscience (2002-)

    Journal of Physics - Condensed Matter (2001-)

    Surface Science (2003-2008)

    Nanoletters (2003- )

    Small (2004- )

    Journal of Nanotechnology (2004-2008)

    Journal of Scanning Probe Microscopy (2006-2008)

    Physical Review Letters (2006-2008)

    Nanoscale Research Letters (2006-)

    Nano Today (2006-)

    Journal of Nano Education (2007-2009)

    Open Condensed Matter Physics Journal (2007-)

    NANOMEDICINE: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine (2008-)

    ACS-NANO (2008-)

    Advanced Biomaterials


Invited talks:   

At international conferences: app.159 since 1990

At research institutions and universities: app. 90 since 1990









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