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论文题目 第一作者 联系作者 刊物名称
Probing into the Pristine Basic Morphology of High Impact Polypropylene Particles 周勇 董金勇,王笃金 Polymer 2009 0 50 4690-4695
Coupling Effects of Spinodal Decomposition and Crystallization on Mechanical Properties of Polyolefin Blends Yang L Wang ZG polymer 2009 50 2 627-635
Effect of Chain Disentanglement on Melt Crystallization Behavior of Isotactic Polypropylene Xuehui Wang Zhigang Wang polymer 2009 50 24 5824-5827
Effects of spinodal decomposition on mechanical properties of a polyolefin blend from high to low strain rates Yang L Wang ZG Polymer 2009 50 13 2990-2998
Suppression of crystallization in a plastic crystal electrolyte (SN/LiClO4) by a polymeric additive (polyethylene oxide) for battery applications Yue RJ Wang ZG polymer 2009 50 5 1288-1296
Synthesis of a soluble conjugated copolymer based on dialkyl-substituted dithienothiophene and its application in photovoltaic cells Shiming Zhang Xiaowei Zhan Polymer 2009 50 15 3595-3599
Composite colloids and patterning 丁书江 杨振忠 Polymer 2009 50 7 1609-1615
Synthesis of composite eccentric double-shelled hollow spheres 李建军 杨振忠 Polymer 2009 30 16 3943-3949
Reactive compatibilization of polyamide-12/poly(butylene terephthalate) blends with hyperbranched PEI-g-PA12: Morphology and thermal properties Pingli Wang Charles C. Han Polymer 2009 50 9 2154
Shear-induced orientation in the crystallization of an isotactic polypropylene nanocomposite Tongchen Sun Charles C. Han, Polymer 2009 50 0 2465
Conformational Transition Characterization of Glass Transition Behavior of Polymers 吴荣亮 杨小震 Polymer 2009 50 14 3396-3402
A Facile Gemini Surfactant-Improved Dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes in Polystyrene 孙国星 陈光明 Polymer 2009 50 25 5787
Re-assembly behaviors of polystyrene-b-poly(acrylic acid) micelles Yang Zhang 李林 Polymer 2009 50 23 6166–6171
Synthesis and characterization of highly optical transparent and low dielectric constant ?uorinated polyimides Liming Tao 杨海霞 Polymer 2009 10 22 1-10
Poly(thienylene-benzothiodiazole-thienylene vinylene): a narrow bandgap polymer with broad absorption from visible to infrared region 何有军 李永舫 Polymer 2009 50 21 5055-5058
Chemical crosslinking and biophysical properties of electrospun hyaluronic acid based ultra-thin fibrous membranes Shanshan Xu Charles C. Han Polymer 2009 50 0 3762-3769
New polypropylene blends toughened by polypropylene/poly (ethylene-co-propylene) in-reactor alloy: compositional and morphological influence on mechanical properties. 李荣波 王笃金 Polymer 2009 50 0 5124-5133
In situ FTIR spectroscopic study of the conformational change of syndiotactic polypropylene d g the isothermal crystallization Zheng Kai Liu, R.G.,Huang Y Polymer 2009 2009 50 24 5782-5786
Self-organized ordered microporous thin films from grafting copolymers Liu, W. Liu, R.,Huang Y Polymer 2009 50 12 2716-2726
Self-assembly of ethyl cellulose-graft-polystyrene copolymers in acetone. Liu, W. Huang, Y.,Liu,R. Polymer 2009 50 1 211-217
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