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Chiral Bifunctional N-Heterocyclic Carbenes: Synthesis and Application in the Aza-Mortia-Baylis-Hillman Reaction Lin He Song Ye Synthesis 2008 2008 17 2825-2829
Dye sensitized solid-state solar cells fabricated by screen-printed TiO2 thin film with addition of polystyrene balls Jing Han Jingbo Zhang, Jian Guang Jia Chinese Chemical Letters 2008 19 1 1004-1007
spin trapping-ESR studies on the superoxide anion radical generated in photosystem II unicellular green alga chlamydomonas reinhardtii 袁瀚 杜林方*, 刘扬* 生物化学与生物物理进展 2008 35 9 1065-1069
Bio-inspired fabrication of lotus leaf like membranes as fluorescent sensing materials Heng L P Zhai J*, Tang B Z Chem Asian J 2008 3 6 1041-1045
Interaction of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) with polyamide 1212 (PA1212) and its influence on the thermal and mechanical properties of TPU/PA1212 blends Wanli Li 刘进利王笃金 Polymer Engineering and Science 2008 48 2 249-256
梳状高分子中烷基侧链构象和堆积结构的红外光谱研究 石海峰 赵莹 高分子学报, 2008 0 3 266-270
Review of development on the transcrystallinity in fiber reinforced polymer-based composites Changcheng He Xia Dong Chinese Polymer Bulletin 2008 4 0 12-21
A Novel Supramolecular System: Combination of Two Switchable Processes in a [2]Rotaxane 黎俊波 李玉良 Chem. Asian. J. 2008 3 12 2091-2096
Synthesis and photoluminescence studies of silicon nanoparticles embedded in silicon compound films Rao Huang Ze-xian Cao Front.Phys. China 2008 3 2 1-8
Carboxylic acid-dependent assembly of neodymium–organic frameworks with attractive topologies and second-order nonlinear optical and/or magnetic properties 刘彩明 刘彩明 CrystEngComm 2008 10 0 1674
聚丙烯釜内合金研究的机遇、挑战与对策 牛慧 董金勇 科学通报 2008 53 16 1993
纤维增强树脂基复合材料中的横穿结晶研究 贺昌城 董侠 高分子通报 2008 0 4 12-21
X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of deposited air particles 刘芬 刘芬 Journal of environmental science and engineering 2008 2 4 P1-4
standardization of structure and morphology detection methods of polyacryonitrile-based carbon fibers and precursors 唐亚林 唐亚林 化工新型材料 2008 36 8 145-147
progresses and challenges of PAN carbon faber in China 徐坚 徐坚 化工新型材料 2008 36 8 1
Kinetic Study of Vapor Phase Methanol Carbonylation Catalyzed by Ni/PDC 曹宏兵 袁国卿 化学通报 2008 71 8 616-620
高性能碳纤维原丝纺丝油剂的研究 黄伟 黄伟 化工新型材料 2008 36 8 137
Investigation on Polysilazane/Epoxy Resin as Curing System 李书宏 徐彩虹 有机硅材料 2008 22 1 15
Preparation of Nano-materials by using Self-assembly of Organogel 常雪灵 马永梅 化学通报 2008 1 7 503-509
Development and Application of Polypropylene/Clay Nanocomposites Used by Shell of Air Heater 江梅 马永梅 Automobile Technology 2008 1 1 58-60
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