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有机可溶性含氟不对称聚酰亚胺的合成与性能 刘金刚 刘金刚 功能高分子学报 2008 21 4 353-358
正性光敏性聚酰亚胺研究与应用进展 刘金刚 刘金刚 电子封装 2008 8 12 1-6
CO2 Switching between Lamellar Liquid Crystal and Micellar Solution Jianling Zhang, Buxing Han*, Wei Li, Yueju Zhao, Minqiang Hou 韩布兴 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed 2008 47 1 10119-10113
光通讯用半脂环透明聚酰亚胺的合成与性能 刘金刚 刘金刚 材料研究学报 2008 22 6 615-619
Chitosan-Based Glucose Oxidase Electrodes Enhanced by Silver Nanoparticles shiyu ma jin mu Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 2008 29 5 682 – 686
Orthogonal sample design scheme for two-dimensional synchronous spectroscopy: Application in probing lanthanide ions interactions with organic ligands in solution mixtures 齐剑 徐怡庄 Journal of Molecular Structure 2008 883 0 116-123
Influence of La3+ ions on the egg-yolk phosphatidylcholine and sodium taurocholate self-assemblies in aqueous suspension 陈呼河 杨展澜 Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2008 328 0 158-165
Effect of Geometrical Confinement on the Nucleation and Crystallization Behavior of 姜凯 王笃金 J. Phys. Chem. B 2008 112 0 16485–16489
Stable superhydrophobic suifaces over a wide pH range Li Guo Z.Zhang Appiled Surface Science 2008 254 7 2158-2160
Effects of polymeric curing agent modified with silazanes on the mechanical properties of silicone rubber Lina Dai Z.Zhang Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2008 111 2 1057-1062
exciton binding energy of electronic polymers: a first principles study 朱凌云 帅志刚 journal of theoretical and computational chemistry 2008 7 4 517
Studies of Influence of Naphthalene Mono/Disulfonic Acid Dopant on Thermal Stability of Polypyrrole Jing Liu Meixiang Wan Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2008 2 109 997
Template-free method to conducting polymer nanostructures Meixiang Wan Meixiang Wan Adv. Mater. 2008 15 20 2926
Electromagnetic Functionalized Cage-like Polyaniline Composite Ding Hangjun Wan Meixiang Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2008 31 112 9289
Molybdic acid doped polyaniline micro/nanostructures via a self-assembly process Lixia Zhang Meixiang Wan European Polymer Journal 2008 7 44 2040
Formation Mechanism of Polyaniline Nanotubes by a Simplified Template-Free Method Hangjun Ding Meixiang Wan Macromol. Chem. & Phys. 2008 8 209 864
Self-assembled Nanostructures of Polyaniline Doped with Poly (3- thiopheneacetic acid Zhiming Zhang Meixiang Wan Reactive and Functional Polymers 2008 6 68 1081
Rectifying of hetero-junctions between metals and doped conducting polymer nanostructure pellets Long Yun-Ze Long Yun-Ze Chinese Physics B 2008 7 17 2707
theoretically rational designs of transport organic semiconductors based on heteroacenes He, Yuanhang 帅志刚 chinese journal of chemistry 2008 26 0 1005
charge on a weak polyelectrolyte shenggin wang Jiang Zhao The journal of chemical physics 2008 129 24 241102
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