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Effect of Different Pretreatment of Attapulgite on Structure and Properties of Polypropylene/Attapulgite Nanocomposites 李丽坤 马永梅 Plastics 2008 1 3 11-14
原子力显微镜单分子力谱研究生物分子间相互作用 徐永春 方晓红 生命科学 2008 20 1 40-45
聚丙烯腈纺丝原液的流变性能和微凝胶的研究 刘瑞刚 刘瑞刚 化工新型材料 2008 36 8 56-59
可溶性聚酰亚胺规整多孔膜的制备 王丽华 王丽华 天津工业大学学报 2008 27 3 22-24,28
聚集诱导的荧光增强体系研究进展 钱妍 钱妍 南京邮电大学学报(自然科学版) 2008 28 1 1-8
微波协助下方便快捷的溴代芳烃均同偶联反应 赵震 占肖卫 化学通报 2008 71 5 389
链穿梭聚合制备聚烯烃嵌段共聚物的研究进展 李化毅 胡友良 合成树脂及塑料 2008 25 6 55-60
Organic Bistable Devices with AgTCNQ Charge Transfer Complex by Vacuum Co-Deposition Deyu Tu Ming Liu J. Semicondors 2008 29 1 50-54
Research Progress in Silicon-bridge Containing Ring-Fused pi-Conjugated Systems for Opto-electronic Materials 李良春 徐彩虹 化学通报 2008 71 1 3
progress in poly(vinyl)/layered double hydroxide nanocomposites 刘军 陈光明 高分子通报 2008 4 4 1
Study on Preparation of Gold Cluster-Polyoxometalate Composite and Catalytic Performance for Selective Cyclohexene Oxidation 李冀闽 袁国卿 分子催化 2008 22 5 439-442
Synthesis and Characteraztion of Mesporous Sieve of ZnO/SiO2 宗宪波 袁国卿 化学通报 2008 3 3 216-219
天然抗肿瘤分子筛选方法研究新进展 周秋菊 唐亚林 中国基础科学 2008 10 64 13-14
芴基取代耐高温聚酰亚胺的合成与性能 刘金刚 刘金刚 航空材料学报 2008 28 2 76-81
In situ synthesis of bone-like hydroxyapatite/polyamide 6 nanocomposites Lanjie Li Guisheng Yang Polymer International 2008 57 0 1226-1234
Melting behaviors, isothermal crystallization kinetics, and morphology of poly(trimethylene terephthalate)/stainless steel fiber composites Chenguang Yao Guisheng Yang Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2008 109 0 3562-3570
Evaluation of ammonium terminated PMMA as compatibilizers for monomer casting polyamide6/clay nanocomposites Tongfei Wu Guisheng Yang Journal of Polymer Science,Part B: Polym. Phys. 2008 46 0 1802 - 1810
Comparison of crystallization behaviors of PCL in confined environment with that in bulk Tongfei Wu Guisheng Yang Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2008 107 0 3796 - 3803
Reinforcing network structure: Analysis of the phase morphology and mechanical properties of polymer blends [poly(methylmethacrylate)/poly(-caprolactone)] with the addition of a third polymer [poly(vinyl chloride)] Tongfei Wu Guisheng Yang Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2008 108 0 1044 - 1048
Preparation of exfoliated polyacrylic clay nanocomposites with high loading: an investigation into the intercalation of ammonium terminated polyacrylic acid and polyacrylates Tongfei Wu Guisheng Yang Journal of Polymer Science,Part B: Polym. Phys. 2008 46 0 2335-2340
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